A Simple Diversity Technique for Wireless Communications (Siavash Alamouti)

A Simple Diversity Technique for Wireless Communications (Siavash Alamouti)

It's a shiny wednesday !!!

Being busy all day long, studying between meals, having sucks meals, whatever... :D
As i told you before !!!I will share to you all good things in here....
The good news is, i have completed the resume of a journal from SIAVASH ALAMOUTI !!!
It's kinda short resume, but maybe it can help you learning telecommunication stuff...

this is all this...

enjoy... :)

Author  : Siavash M. Alamouti
Title      : A Simple Transmit Diversity Technique for Wireless Communications
Source   : IEEE Journal on Select  Areas in Communications, vol.16, no.8, October 1998

Summary of Reported Research :
- This journal shows us the new schemes (2 transmit antennas and 1 receive antenna, and 2 transmit antennas and M receive antennas) equal to MRRC scheme (1 transmit antenna and 2 receive antennas) in aspect of diversity order.

Strength of Reported Invention :
- The new schemes only needs half power on transmit units that is needed by MRRC scheme.
- The new schemes do not need any feedback from the receiver to the transmitter.
- The new schemes do not need any bandwidth expansion.
- The new schemes computation complexity is similar to MRRC

Weakness of Reported Invention :
- The new schemes have a 3 dB disadvantage because of the simultaneously transmission of the 2 distinct symbols of the two antennas.


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